Can the Spinal Cord Repair Itself?

The Prognosis of a Spinal Cord Injury
Unfortunately, spinal cord injuries are permanent and can have life-long devastating effects on both the victim and their families. While there are many treatments that can improve the condition, people who sustain spinal cord injuries often have to rely on special devices to complete daily tasks and assistance from friends and family members. Here’s what you need to know.
What Causes Spinal Cord Injuries?
According to The U.S. National Library of Medicine, motor vehicle accidents are the top cause of spinal cord injuries. Fall accidents are the second leading cause. Here are some statistics you need to know, according to the United Spinal Association:
- Approximately294,000 Americanscurrently live with a spinal cord injury.
- 78% of the most recent SCI cases are male. The average age at injury increased from 29 years since the1970s to 43 years as of 2015.
- Less than 1%of people have complete neurological recovery by the time of hospital discharge.
- Since 2015, roughly 30% of people with SCIs are admitted back into the hospital following a spinal cord injury.
Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation Treatments
Some of the most common spinal cord injury treatments include:
- Physical therapy
- Speech therapy
- Vocational therapy
- Learning how to use assisted devices such as breathing devices and wheelchairs
- Mental health therapies (people with spinal cord injuries may suffer from depression and anxiety)
Suffered a Spinal Cord Injury? Contact The Villari Firm, PLLC For Help.
Sustaining a spinal cord injury is a devastating experience — and when it’s due to an accident that could have been prevented, it can make the ordeal even more daunting. When an injury was caused by the negligence of another party, our Philadelphia personal injury lawyers are here to help you seek justice.
We work with leading experts including doctors and other legal professionals to assist us with the investigation and preparation of client cases to ensure the best possible outcome. The Villari Firm, PLLC spares no expense when it comes to helping our clients receive the compensation they deserve.
Contact The Villari Firm, PLLC at 215-372-8889 to schedule a free consultation today.